The Astrologer-Shaman by Monica Cromhout


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Over the last few years, many new insights to astrology have been brought to light from ancient sources of knowledge. Astrology scholars today have uncovered, and continue to uncover and teach how astrology was understood in traditional, classical, Indian, Hellenistic and Medieval and Babylonian times. An even older source also calls for attention. Before anything else there were two primordial teachers of astrology. One is MOTHER NATURE. The other is LIFE EXPERIENCE. In modern times, to a large extent, they are overlooked, forgotten, and sometimes even suppressed. Their methods are mystical, shamanic, synchronous and deeply astrological. Learning astrology from these two teachers is a far cry from academic learning, or new-agey-ness. Nature and Experience are hard task-masters. Through our senses, our awareness and our powers of observation, they point us to the astrological wisdom buried in the cycles of the seasons, a single day — or moment of a birth — or of a meaningful event. We have a natural ability to perceive, “read,” and make connections to the archetypes, symbols, themes and cycles that vibrate through the solar system — and also within the trauma and drama of daily life. By becoming more conscious of, and developing that ability, we dissolve boundaries, giving rise to an interconnectedness with our clients, and their charts. Presenting an astrology reading in this context brings a chart to life and bonds with the instinctive and emotional mystery of the client’s own life. This talk will explore these themes, with a focus on how to understand astrology more deeply, and enrich your practice of it, as a perpetual student of Nature and of Life Experience