This book attempts to combine the art and science of astrology. Astrology is a symbolic language, and its symbols speak to each of us differently. No two astrologers look at a chart and see exactly the same picture.
I practice astrology full time. The method of chart interpretation set forth in this book has been developed over the last twenty-five years of seeing clients. I work to give people a better understanding of themselves and how they can best actualize their potential. I accomplish this by pointing out their natural talents and addressing their inherent stumbling blocks. My approach is psychological, and I deal with deeply rooted issues, everyday concerns, and how deeply rooted issues affect everyday concerns. I do this by approaching charts based on the way people actually live.
I know that astrologers frequently go through the chart house by house or planet by planet. For me, this doesn’t make sense because life is not arranged that way. People coming in for consultations care about their families, their relationships, their careers, maybe their spiritual potential. They don’t really care what the planets mean or what the aspects are. Obviously, this doesn’t mean that I, as the astrologer, don’t have to know these factors and consider them all. It just means I don’t talk about them in this way. I give my clients what I believe helps them the most–information in plain English.
By addressing topics such as family upbringing, relationships, and career, the consultation reflects the way people live. My orientation is very practical. I believe it’s my job to interpret the planetary energies and to help my clients to understand those energies. As much as is humanly possible, I leave my own point of view out of the consultation. A right decision for me isn’t necessarily correct for my clients. I let the chart tell me what I need to say.