Dreams and Astrology
Our dreams are gifts, communications from our unconscious. People’s dreams reflect their charts
and point out where in the chart to focus attention.
Where are dreams located in the chart? What do the charts of the pioneers of dreamwork, Freud
and Jung, tell us about their approach to dreams? What is a Mercurial dream? A Saturnian one?
A twelfth house dream?
Find out; hear a case study or two illustrating how dreams correlate with key astrological
signatures; see how the imagery associated with them evolves as the dreamer heals.
Claudia Bader
Claudia Bader, PhD, NCGR-PAA Level IV Counseling Astrologer, is licensed psychoanalyst and
creative arts therapist. She has pioneered the interface of spirituality, psychoanalysis, astrology,
alchemy, art, and mandalas since 1973, teaching internationally for astrological, psychoanalytic,
and creative arts therapy professionals. Her dissertation combined astrology and psychoanalysis.
“Out” as an astrologer, Claudia served as Executive Director and Director of Education for her
psychoanalytic institute. Claudia currently teaches the Dreamwork II class as well as
Symbolization and Creativity for the institute.
From 1995-2001, Claudia taught Art Diagnosis at 3 universities in New York City. Published in
the Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion and numerous astrology journals, co-author of the
bestselling Love Planets, she maintains a private practice in New York, where she also takes
people to their soul homes with past life and spiritual regression.