Category Archives: Weekly Horoscopes

AstroCollege Weekly Weather & Horoscopes

June 24-30, 2024 This week we’re winding down from the full moon, and possibly contemplating something that has come to light. Last week was rife with deceptions, double-entendres, and misleading confusions. What have you learned in the past week that you didn’t know before? Maybe you’re not sure what to do with this information or […]

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Weekly Weather & Full Moon Horoscopes

Let’s Grow Together! May 20-26, 2024 Welcome to Gemini season! Monday kicks off the first day of a busy Gemini season. Look for things to become more communicative, social, and cerebral this month! It’s like there’s a constant state of chatter going on, both inside and out. Notice where networking, potential partnerships, and deals are […]

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Lucky Strikes – Weekly Weather & Horoscopes

May 13-19, 2024 This week we have Uranus (on Monday) and Jupiter (on Saturday) coming for a meetup with the Sun. When Jupiter and Uranus embrace the Sun, it brings together the expansive and optimistic energy of Jupiter with the innovative and unpredictable energy of Uranus alongside the Sun’s brightest rays of light. It could […]

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The Weekly Weather

A Week of Shifting Energies… This week on Monday, Venus moved from fiery Aries into her domicile of earthly Taurus. This adds a practical and down-to-earth approach to relationships and passions. Venus in Taurus loves beauty, comfort, and sensual pleasures as well as stability and security. You may notice these qualities in relationship or feel […]

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