NAT-4: Aspects and Disposition

Prerequisites: Must have completed NAT-1 through NAT-3.

Class Description: This is a pivotal course. It covers the various ways that planets combine. You will learn how to delineate planetary interactions such aspects, major aspect configurations, reception, disposition, and more.

Delve into the world of astrological aspects and configurations with this advanced course, designed to enhance your understanding of planetary relationships within a chart. Ideal for intermediate and advanced students, this course offers a deep dive into harmonics, configurations, and unique aspect patterns.

Classes are held weekly.

  • Class 1: Conjunctions and Stellia
    Explore the 1st harmonic aspect with conjunctions, out-of-sign conjunctions, and the powerful influence of Stellia, where three or more planets converge in the same space.
  • Class 2: Hard Aspects
    Understand oppositions, squares, and their configurations, including T-squares and Grand Squares. Learn how these challenging aspects create tension and dynamic growth in a chart.
  • Class 3: Soft Aspects and Configurations
    Dive into the trine, sextile, and their powerful configurations, like the Grand Trine, Kite, Cradle, Grand Sextile, and Mystic Rectangle. Explore how these aspects bring harmony and opportunities.
  • Class 4: Declinations and Aspect by Latitude
    Examine the unique effects of parallels, contra-parallels, and out-of-bounds planets, combining declinations with conjunctions and oppositions for added nuance.
  • Class 5: Minor Aspects I
    Discover the 8th and 12th harmonic aspects, including the semi-square, Quincunx, Yod, and Boomerang, and their role in subtle chart influences.
  • Class 6: Minor Aspects II
    Learn about additional minor aspects like the Quintile, Septile, Novile, and Quindecile, and their unique meanings in astrological configurations.
  • Class 7: Close Aspect Networks
    Work with planets and points sharing the same degree, building a web of close-knit influences within a chart.
  • Class 8: Midpoints I
    Understand and apply midpoints, a key technique for pinpointing specific areas of influence and energy exchange between planets.
  • Class 9: Midpoints II
    Explore applications of Cosmobiology, Symmetrical astrology, and Vibrational astrology, deepening your interpretive skills.
  • Class 10: Midpoints III
    Learn about Uranian astrology and the 90-degree dial, unique tools for advanced chart analysis.
  • Class 11: Practical Application
    Review standout configurations and apply everything you’ve learned to real chart analysis.
  • Class 12: Final Exam
    Demonstrate your mastery of aspects and configurations with a comprehensive final exam.

Join us in this in-depth exploration of aspects, where you’ll learn to identify, interpret, and apply complex planetary relationships in a chart. This course will enhance your interpretive skills, enabling you to bring clarity and depth to your readings.

Required materials:

Suggested/supplemental materials:

The following suggested and supplementary materials are available through the IAA online shopping areas:

April 2025
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