Laveta Piemme
Instructor – Professional Astrologer and Holistic Health Practitioner
Astrology has been my companion for more than 5 decades, since I became interested in it in high school. As I make more trips around the Sun on Mother Earth, I am still finding new interpretations and revelations revealed within my chart. It amazes me that it continues to go deeper, where there is always a new layer to uncover that is in alignment with my experience in life at any given moment.
I supported myself as an artist for 30 years with a parallel journey of a search for what it is that makes us tick. Throughout the 1970s and ’80s, I explored the terrain of my inner life, coming to a place of peace and knowing truly that the universe is perfect and on time (even when I don’t like how “perfect” may look at a particular moment!), and looking for the diamond that is the gift in every lump of coal I found.
For the past 30 years I have had a holistic health practitioner practice where I work with clients facilitating them as they move past their blocks and barriers with a variety of modalities and always with my companion of astrology by my side. Sometimes that involves doing a complete astrological consultation, sometimes just using the chart as a peek into their inner world to discover what their gifts and challenges may be. Being given my clients’ birth data is a privilege where their charts tells the story of their life, sometimes even when they are not aware of their story or when they believe it is well hidden.
True to having Gemini rising and Mercury conjunct the midheaven, teaching makes my heart sing. I have been an instructor at I.A.A. since 2001. My class has always been teaching delineation: understanding astro-grammar and how it relates to English grammar. I want my students to know the basics of the simplicity of a planet in a sign in a house, as that is the foundation of astrology. From that foundation they can go in many directions to find their niche as they build their experience and understanding, knowing that what is underneath them is solid. I am grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of the school for all this of these years.