About Astrocollege and the International Academy of Astrology

Benefits of an IAA Education

IAA Education is internationally recognized.

Graduates of IAA’s Professional Training Department earn automatic credits in several internationally recognized educational and certification programs:

  • National Council for Geocosmic Research: IAA graduates who wish to obtain NCGR certification may apply directly to the NCGR Level IV examination, thereby omitting the necessity of taking Level I, II, and III examinations.
  • Federation of Australian Astrologers: IAA graduates who wish to qualify for the Australian Practitioner’s Certificate are exempted from the Interpretation and Calculation modules. To complete the FAA Practitioner’s Certificate requirements, graduates must complete the Dynamic and Advanced modules only.
  • International Society for Astrological Research: IAA graduates who wish to obtain ISAR certification fulfill the educational requirements to apply directly for Ethics testing and for their ISAR-C.A.P. upon completion of a consulting skills seminar.

IAA is currently the only astrological school in the world whose graduates obtain all of these benefits! We continue to develop our curriculum and work closely with astrological institutions worldwide to increase the scope and value of your IAA education.

In addition, IAA graduates are authorized to use the title Dipl.I.A.A. (Diploma of the International Academy of Astrology) after their names, to demonstrate that they have completed this rigorous course of training and are fully qualified to practice astrology in a professional capacity.

IAA Mission Statement

International Academy of Astrology aspires to be the leader in online astrological education, dedicated to instilling our students with a commitment to a lifetime of learning, while empowering them to become professional astrologers of the utmost competence, integrity, and compassion.

Our Teaching Philosophy

The courses at the International Academy of Astrology have been designed specifically to guide students on the path to becoming fully qualified professional astrologers — from the beginner level, through achieving certification from one of the astrological organizations, to training in specialized subjects. Our classes are geared to serious students of astrology, and due to the depth of the subject matter, students must be prepared to commit adequate time for reading, studying, and homework, as well as class attendance.

Our classes are purposely kept small so that each student gets individual attention as well as interaction with other students — we feel that both are essential to the learning process. The classes are structured so that the students have plenty of time to learn and practice each technique, while still introducing the material quickly enough to satisfy that yearning to “know more.”

Mass enrollment is not our goal. IAA desires enrollments from serious students who are dedicated to a full exploration of astrology — those who are willing to look at the various techniques, to practice these techniques rigorously, to further their own knowledge through reading and study — students who are committed to raising awareness of astrology in an ethical and professional manner.

As the established leader in astrological classes in an online environment, the International Academy of Astrology is dedicated to the best of traditional astrological education, with a goal of raising the standard for astrological practice around the world.

The International Academy of Astrology Ethical Credo

  • I dedicate myself to the highest astrological standards in my relationships with clients, the astrological community and the community at large. Further, I will refrain from any communication and/or behavior which might bring disrepute to IAA specifically and Astrology in general.
  • I dedicate myself to holding in the highest regard the individual power of my clients to determine their own path. I recognize that this means valuing the rights, wellbeing, dignity and worth of said clients as I do my own. I further recognize that this entails empowering the client in all ways to make their own decisions. I take active steps to ensure that the relationship between me and my clients remains open, balanced and non-dependent.
  • I dedicate myself to holding in the highest regard the appropriate confidentiality of all my clients. I recognize the importance of anonymity in the writing and the speaking of specific case material and always respect this anonymity. I further recognize the importance of security and safety of personal records, whether these be written, taped or electronically stored.
  • I dedicate myself to open communication with all clients regarding fees and services in advance of any work done. I recognize that this entails informed consent on the part of the client for said work.
  • I dedicate myself to holding the clients interests and well-being above my own needs for monetary profit. I recognize that requires a careful ethical scrutiny regarding the promotion of my own services and products to my clients.
  • I dedicate myself to the highest respect for my own capabilities and their limits. I recognize that this means informing the client as soon as I recognize that the work required exceeds my qualifications and training. I further recognize my responsibility to refer the client to qualified professionals.
  • I dedicate myself to the highest respect for the archetypal power of astrology and I commit myself to ensuring that the client never confuses that power with my own person or capabilities.
  • I dedicate myself to the highest respect for the public at large. I recognize that this entails completely accurate advertising of my own abilities and services. I further recognize that any predictive work entails precise communication of the variability of mundane events.
  • I dedicate myself to the highest respect for my colleagues and the powerful diversity of astrology itself. I recognize that this entails clear definitions of personal perspective in all communication.

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students

OCA, Corp., admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and other school-administered programs.