A Week of Shifting Energies…
This week on Monday, Venus moved from fiery Aries into her domicile of earthly Taurus. This adds a practical and down-to-earth approach to relationships and passions. Venus in Taurus loves beauty, comfort, and sensual pleasures as well as stability and security. You may notice these qualities in relationship or feel a need to get out in nature or to work in the garden.
On Tuesday we had another planetary shift as Mars also moved! Mars left watery Pisces where he has struggled a bit, to go into his home sign, and domicile of Aries. This give Mars back his firepower and masculinity, as well as a bit of impulsivity and temper. Mars is where we assert ourselves and hit the “gas pedal” in life. You may notice the energy picks up and that your energy levels are higher and you’re ready to move forward in a new way.
With both Venus and Mars in their home signs, this gives a flavor of compatibility and a new ability to work through problems in relationship. You may find yourself better able to compromise, communicate, and cooperate with those in your circle over the coming weeks.
And then on Thursday, May 2nd, we have Pluto stationing retrograde until early October. This means that the planet of transformation, power, and unconscious compulsions will begin a backward slide in degrees. When any planet is retrograde, it’s a time for reflection, redirection, and taking a pause to consider if we are headed forward in the right manner. Pluto asks us to go inward, and this signifies a time of introspection. Things you thought had resolved may come back up, and over the next few months we may have to uncover some hidden truths about ourselves and work through some shadows in order to move forward in a more healthy way.
Notice how the energy shifts for you this week. Look to the houses and sign where your personal Venus, Mars, and Pluto live in order to see where things might be coming up or changing for you!