Weekly Horoscopes

April 8-14, 2024

This week starts with the powerful Great American Eclipse on Monday afternoon. Did you see it? It was amazing!!! When an eclipse happens, it creates a “stutter” in the energy and then a surge of power when the moon moves past, and the sun grows full again. Did you feel a “stutter” happen somewhere in your life yet?

This week, you will, as following the eclipse on Wednesday, we have Mars and Saturn standing side-by-side in the sky. When this happens it’s as if the gas pedal and the brakes are slammed on at the same time. It can cause you a bit of a jam! Notice where you’re seeing, rules, boundaries, constraints, restrictions, delays, and flat out “no’s” happenings, when you might be hoping for a “yes.” On the high side it can reveal a strong sense of purpose, direction, ambition, self-discipline, and/or determination. It’s a time to balance assertiveness with patience and perseverance. Can you do it? At the IAA Astrocollege, we believe: if you know what’s coming, you can do anything!

Fortunately, the moon has some nice placements this week and ends the weekend in Cancer. When the Moon is in Cancer, it’s considered to be in its domicile or home sign, which means its energies are particularly strong and comfortable. Cancer is a water sign, and ruled by the Moon itself, so the lunar influence here is especially potent.

Emotionally, the Moon in Cancer fosters a deep sensitivity and receptivity. You may find yourself more attuned to the feelings and the emotions of those around you. There’s a strong desire for security and nurturing, both giving and receiving it. Family and home life may feel more important during this time, with a desire to create a safe and comforting environment.

This weekend, when the Moon is in Cancer, it’s a time for nurturing, emotional healing, and connecting with the deeper, more intuitive aspects of ourselves and our relationships. Let this energy support you and help you recover from the eclipse and Mars conjunct Saturn!

And here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign:

Wherever you are, find your flow with your horoscope for the week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they may offer additional clues that may be helpful to you.


This week could bring a struggle between assertion and restraint in the pursuit of spiritual fulfillment, or you might be reminded of concepts of the divine and feel called to participate in some way. You may feel trapped or limited within a particular role or paradigm and be looking for a way out. Subconscious matters can come to light that help you to understand how you got here and what you can do to reduce your own sense of isolation or marginalization. You may feel a deep sense of responsibility towards those who are vulnerable, but they may also face inner conflicts or limitations that hinder their ability to take action. Learning to confront and transcend subconscious fears and insecurities is essential for your spiritual growth and understanding.


This week brings a focus to your friendships, groups, and aspirations, and you may approach social relationships with a renewed sense of duty and commitment. There can be a strong desire to contribute to the collective and make a meaningful impact on society, but there may also be challenges in finding like-minded individuals or you might be facing conflicts within social circles. Balancing personal ambitions with the needs of the group is important, as is cultivating patience and perseverance in pursuing your long-term goals.


Your career and public image are highlighted, bringing a strong drive for success and recognition this week. Are you starting a new role or project at work? You are in the spotlight right now. You are ambitious and hardworking, and willing to endure significant challenges and setbacks to achieve your professional goals. However, there may also be a fear of failure or a tendency towards self-criticism, leading to feelings of inadequacy or frustration. Be patient with yourself as this will pass. Learning to manage authority and responsibility effectively is key to success for you.


The Mars & Saturn conjunction emphasizes a disciplined approach to higher learning, travel, and philosophical pursuits for you this week. You may feel a yearning to expand your knowledge base and explore new horizons, but you can also encounter challenges or restrictions in this pursuit of intellectual or spiritual growth. Balancing optimism with realism is essential, as is maintaining a sense of purpose and direction despite setbacks or delays. Taking a measured approach and being patient can help you to reach your goals.


Issues related to power dynamics, trust, and intimacy in relationships can surface this week, leading to possible intense emotional experiences. Even if it’s just internal feelings you are going into some deeper psychological waters than you are accustomed to. This may indicate a desire for control and mastery over circumstances that you feel are out of control. You may feel ambitious and driven to achieve your current goals, but there are obstacles to overcome. Take time to reflect and integrate your emotions; it may feel like one step forward and two steps back, but this will help you to understand the genesis of some deep-rooted beliefs that you may need to release to move forward.


Your significant others, partnerships, and relationships are under some serious review right now. There are questions of commitment and long-term feasibility. There can be a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards partners, but conflicts or power struggles may arise due to a need for control or fear of vulnerability. This can be for you or for them. Finding a balance between independence and partnership is crucial, as well as learning to assert oneself without dominating the relationship.


This is a potential “workhorse” feeling of a week for you. With the conjunction in your house of health and work, this may indicate a stronger that usual work ethic and a refined attention to detail. You may be extra diligent in your daily routines and strive for perfection, but it is important to remember to balance work and play. If you overdo it, you can also experience higher levels of stress or get sick. Also beware of a tendency towards self-criticism. Taking time for self-care and practicing self-compassion are important too.


This week highlights a disciplined approach to creativity, self-expression, and romance. It could be as simple as putting a plan around fun and entertainment. Or you may feel the need to create order or fortify boundaries with your children or fur babies if you are a parent. You may channel your energy into creative projects or passionate pursuits, but you could also struggle to find your authenticity. Be patient as limitations will start to disintegrate as the week wanes and you will find your flow again.


This week emphasizes a strong need for emotional security and stability in home and family life. You may be driven to create a solid foundation for yourself and loved ones, but you could also face obstacles or restrictions within the family dynamic, leading to feelings of responsibility or burdens. Getting connected to your roots or learning to thrive despite them, can be key to creating the homelife that best supports your need to feel nurtured and cared for this week.


Your communication and intellect are put to the test this week. This may manifest as a disciplined approach to learning and expressing yourself. However, there could be challenges in effective communication or conflicts with siblings or neighbors, requiring patience and perseverance to overcome. Realizing that there are many learning styles and trying some different approaches with others may be key to helping you get your point across most effectively.


Money and resources are on your mind right now. Mars and Saturn combine this week to create a drive for financial security and material success for you. Individuals may work diligently to build stable resources and financial foundations, but you may also encounter obstacles or delays in financial pursuits, leading to frustrations or feelings of limitation. Remember that an abundance mindset can help you to circulate wealth in a way that is beneficial to all involved. Looking outside the box and creating multiple revenue streams can also be supported at this time.


This week emphasizes self-discipline and determination, fostering a strong sense of identity and ambition for you. Stronger than you are used to, and it might feel a little out of character. You might find yourself highly focused, i.e. obsessed, on personal goals, but you could also face challenges asserting yourself or expressing your anger constructively, leading to potential conflicts with others. It’s best to air the grievances rather than to hold it all in. When you feel your temperature rising, take a walk and take break before making contact. That way you will feel more in control and be able to address the issue in an objective way.

About the Author: Jennifer Barrish

Hi I'm Jen. I'm an astrologer, yogi, and herbal enthusiast. I can show you how to create a more magical life with your unique gifts using astrology, esoteric strategies and resources. Learn to savor the life journey you're on and enjoy every flavor of energy coming your way! You can find more about me at www.magicallifeastrology.com.