June 24-30, 2024
This week we’re winding down from the full moon, and possibly contemplating something that has come to light. Last week was rife with deceptions, double-entendres, and misleading confusions. What have you learned in the past week that you didn’t know before? Maybe you’re not sure what to do with this information or how to move forward. This week brings us a chance to get our bearings and to formulate a plan. It’s also a week for building boundaries and erecting emotional fences.
We have Mercury on overdrive this week, attempting to work it out. Mercury signifies our mental processes and thinking capacity. We can see the ripple effect of all the actions – from ourselves and others. And as we look back to reflect on the chain of events and how they’ve unfolded, maybe we can see how we’ve grown and changed in our response to difficulty, hardship, and sometimes dealing with things we don’t feel like dealing with.
This week gives you some ideas about how to work with this situation. On Monday and Tuesday with the moon in Aquarius, notice how you can step back and see the world from a detached viewpoint. Use it to see all the sides of the situation and also, think about the response you’d like to cultivate from within yourself.
Midweek the moon shifts into Pisces and it may bring some weepy or emotional vibes to the table. It’s ok to cry. Let yourself drift and dream in whatever way you see fit to release pent up emotions. Look for distractions through movies, books, or music. However the dam breaks, you will have some opportunities for healing and reconciliation if you choose. And when you build the dam back, you get a chance to adorn in and frame it however you wish.
On Friday and through the weekend, the moon makes its way into Aries. Aries is fast, feisty, and ready to take action. Find a physical outlet to relieve some stress. This is a great time to try something new – go kayaking, hiking, or any physical activity that feels a little bit risky. You will enjoy the challenge.
Saturn stations retrograde on Saturday. This is the beginning of a period of revisiting our boundaries, happening from June 29- November 15. You will have plenty of time to work with this energy as it applies restriction and contraction in subtle ways that may have you reviewing where you’ve seen roadblocks and “nos” in your life since the first of the year. Saturn retrogrades are for reworking, rethinking, and redo-ing structures and stabilizers in our life. How have you tried to curb the chaos? How are you approaching your responsibilities? Is it working? What is calling for your attention right now? Stop and take a moment to get your bearings. Saturn is stopping this weekend, and you can too.
On Sunday the moon shifts into Taurus, the builder of the zodiac. Use the energy to put a practical eye on the situation. You will be ready to move with more aim and purpose than usual. Use Taurean themes to help you. Get out in nature, lean into sensory experiences, and try to get quiet so you can hear the small still voice within. If you listen, she’ll tell you what it is you really want and help you to put that fence in place.
And here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign this full moon week:
Wherever you are, find your flow with your horoscope for the week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they too may offer additional clues that can be helpful to you.
You may be more focused that usual on your psychological imprints and spiritual growth this week. Saturn is asking you to reflect on your inner world, spiritual practices, and subconscious patterns. Something has been coming to a head and you need some relief from the pressure. It’s a time for introspection, healing, and addressing hidden fears or unresolved issues. Talking to a wise peer, mentor, or professional may be helpful.
Do you ever wonder who’s got your back when the chips are down? This week has you re-evaluating your friendships, group affiliations, and aspirations. This is a time to assess if your social connections support your goals and align with your future. You’ve got a good handle on which way you are headed, and as you make course corrections right now, choose those partnerships that support you on your journey.
Your chosen career and public standing are in the spotlight this week. You may be reflecting on your career path, public image, and responsibilities. Do you like what you see? Consider if your current career aligns with your long-term goals and make necessary adjustments to achieve the professional growth that you seek. Focus on what you want first, before trying to envision all the steps to get there. Take your time.
This period encourages a thorough examination of how you handle responsibilities and boundaries in your life. What are your big picture goals? Be the eagle rather than the sparrow. Question what you say “no” to and why? It’s a time to reconsider your worldview and make adjustments to your long-term goals and aspirations. Your life will only be as big as you let it, so dream in big bold brushstrokes.
Topics of intimacy are unearthing. This week can bring buried issues to the surface for resolution. Making connections and deepening existing relationships are possible. Be patient and take the time to listen. But also make sure you say all that is in your heart. Reassessing shared financial resources, intimate relationships, and any matters related to personal transformation offer a healing balm to your inner wounds.
Close relationships and partnerships weigh heavy on your mind. You need some clarity because things feel unresolved. Reflecting on your commitments and responsibilities will help you to gain some equilibrium and get things in order. It’s a time to renegotiate terms, set boundaries, and strengthen or release partnerships that are not working.
Evaluating your daily routines, health practices, and work responsibilities will be fruitful practices this week. This is a good period for improving your work efficiency and addressing any health issues that need attention. You may have felt some imbalances creeping in, or some unpleasantries have crept in that need to be dealt with. Find a friend or co-worker to talk through your concerns with and get your mind straight about how to clear the air.
Are you just looking for a little fun right now? Protect your right to do so! This is a great week for creative expression. Reassess your hobbies, romantic relationships, and youthful interactions. It’s a time to think about how you can bring more structure and discipline to your creative projects and personal pleasures. Like building in time so that life isn’t all work and no play. Protect your down time as if you’re guarding it with your life!
Home life and family dynamics are shifting. Things may not feel as comfortable as you’d like. Reflecting on your family responsibilities, home environment, and emotional foundations can help you to figure out what’s going on. Consider making changes to improve family relationships and domestic stability. Have you left a routine behind, like checking in on your people, tending to your garden, or even just doing the laundry. It’s time to take a step back and get your house in order.
There is a conversation, interview, or podcast that you can’t get off your mind. Communication and intellectual pursuits loom large in your mind this week. You need to expand your base. You have something to say. Rethinking how you communicate with others, your approach to learning, and local relationships within community can be a good way to get things started. It’s a time to address unresolved issues in these areas.
Review your spending habits, your savings account balance, and financial goals for the future. This week has them all on your mind. Reassess what you truly value and how you invest your time and resources. And then make adjustments in order to align yourself with your values. For instance, if you’re spending too much on that daily cup of joe or lunch routine, it’s time to break out the coffee pot at home, dust off your travel mug and find your lunch bag. Your wallet will thank you.
This week it’s all about you. Spend some time in self-reflection and thinking about your personal development plan. Don’t have one? It’s time to build one! Re-evaluate your self-image, personal goals, and how you present yourself to the world. It’s a good time to think through your approach to self-discipline and personal responsibility. Change your look, get clear on your future goals, and seek out support systems and accountability partners who can help you to cultivate the structure you need.