June 17-23, 2024
This week is marked by the mixing of energies, highlighting the shift between Gemini and Cancer season. We are rounding third base and headed toward the end of Gemini’s social, curious and adaptable energy this week.
Both Venus and Mercury move into Cancer on Monday and the focus shifts to home, family, and emotional security. The transition encourages nurturing relationships and introspective reflection. Communication takes on a more emotional and receptive tone. Conversations become more heartfelt, and there’s a stronger focus on listening and understanding others’ feelings.
Over the next month you can mark some of the emotional changes by tracking the moon. It changes signs every 2 ½ days, and when we have a Cancer sun (which is ruled by the moon) it answers to the changing moon. Whatever sign the moon is in, can give clues to how your emotions will be expressed.
The shift to this ebb and flow of Cancer energy begins on Monday. And then by Thursday, the Sun joins Venus and Mercury to make it a trio in Cancer, on the Summer Solstice. This solstice season has a healing, homey, and intuitive vibe thanks to so much Cancer energy available to welcome in summer!
Here’s some things you can do to work with the energy:
- Be willing to embrace change. Moving from predominant air signs to water signs is like diving off a diving board. When you hit the water its like you’re in another world. Balance communication and intellectual pursuits with nurturing your emotional well-being.
- Nurture what you love. As the Venus, Mercury, and the Sun move into Cancer, prioritize emotional connections and supporting relationships. Honor commitments, be patient, and seek to listen.
- Slow down and catch your breath. Cancer energy encourages you to take stock of the way things feel. Notice body language, what isn’t actually said, and where your gut instinct is leading you.
Also, of note this week is a Full Moon on Friday. At 9:07pm EDT, it brings up a struggle between your inner and outer world; possibly your inner feelings vs. your public persona. The Full Moon often brings hidden truths to light. Pay attention to revelations and insights that may show up out of the blue. When it’s a full moon the sun and moon are opposite in the sky, and the opposition can be felt in your physical and emotional body.
This full moon is in the sign of Capricorn, and it will give you some clear and solid information with which to make good decisions. Capricorn also offers a resilience to follow through, and the patience you may need to work through any bumps along the way. So even if you feel a little push/pull with the moon’s energy, know that you will be able to resolve an issue and see it to completion with a Capricorn moon at the helm!
Full Moon Horoscopes
And here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign this Full Moon week:
Wherever you are, find your flow with your horoscope for the week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they too may offer additional clues that can be helpful to you.
The Full Moon illuminates your career sector, bringing recognition or a culmination of efforts in your professional life. It’s a time to celebrate achievements or reassess your goals. Be mindful of public perceptions and how you present yourself.
This Full Moon highlights areas related to education, travel, and broadening your horizons. You might experience a breakthrough in studies or have a profound realization that changes your worldview. It’s an ideal time to plan or embark on a journey.
Expect revelations concerning shared finances, investments, or deep emotional bonds. The Full Moon may bring clarity to issues of intimacy and transformation. It’s a powerful time for healing and resolving financial matters.
The Full Moon in your partnership sector illuminates your relationships. This can be a time of significant developments, whether it’s a deepening commitment or addressing conflicts. Focus on balance and harmony with your partner.
This Full Moon shines a light on your health, daily habits, and work routine. It’s a good time to make necessary adjustments for better well-being. You may also see progress or completion in a work project.
For Virgo, the Full Moon emphasizes creative projects, romance, and recreational activities. You might finish a creative endeavor or reach a turning point in a romantic relationship. Enjoy moments of joy and self-expression.
The Full Moon brings attention to your home life and family matters. It’s a period for resolving domestic issues or celebrating family milestones. Reflect on your emotional foundations and how they support your overall well-being.
This Full Moon illuminates your communication sector, emphasizing interactions with your community, siblings, or neighbors. Important messages or information may come to light. It’s also a good time to complete writing projects or address local issues.
The Full Moon highlights your financial sector, bringing clarity or resolution to money matters. Assess your income, savings, and spending habits. It’s also a time to reflect on your self-worth and how it influences your financial decisions.
For Capricorn, the Full Moon in your sign illuminates your personal goals, identity, and self-image. It’s a moment of self-realization and celebrating personal achievements. Reassess your aspirations and how you present yourself to the world.
The Full Moon lights up your spiritual sector, encouraging introspection and connecting with your inner self. It’s a powerful time for meditation, dreams, and exploring subconscious patterns. Seek solitude to recharge and gain insights.
This Full Moon emphasizes your social networks, friendships, and community involvement. You may see developments in group activities or social causes you’re passionate about. It’s also a good time to reflect on your role within your social circles.