Lucky Strikes – Weekly Weather & Horoscopes

May 13-19, 2024

This week we have Uranus (on Monday) and Jupiter (on Saturday) coming for a meetup with the Sun. When Jupiter and Uranus embrace the Sun, it brings together the expansive and optimistic energy of Jupiter with the innovative and unpredictable energy of Uranus alongside the Sun’s brightest rays of light. It could be your lucky day! These conjunctions can signify sudden opportunities, breakthroughs, or changes in belief systems. This week’s energy shines light on any growth moves you may have experienced back on April 20th (the Uranus & Jupiter conjunction). Storylines from that time are back up for review. Also think back to 2012 as this is a similar energy that we are experiencing again this year!

We can also look to the moon, which changes signs every 2 ½ days, to get a sense of the emotional landscape for the week.

Monday starts off with a bold Leo moon, giving a flair for the dramatic and opportunities for playful exchanges. Beware of peacock-like egos and wrestles for power at the beginning of the week. Some will be reaching for the top, and it may just be best to let them have it! Seek pleasure pursuits, time with children, creative endeavors, and chances to clown around and have some fun! You will find stability through partnership and structured business decisions. But it might also feel like rules, boundaries, and a bit of restriction. Lean into doing the work and you can get through the days. Awakenings and unconscious motivations can come to light in the process.

On Wednesday afternoon the moon shifts into Virgo, creating a need for efficiency and productivity on all levels. This can make you feel a little nervous or overwhelmed too as the mind whirs with to-do lists. Luckily we have two things in our favor that can help.

  1. A settling of the energy happens, as Mercury (the planet of communication and thinking) moves into Taurus and will be there until June 3rd. Taurus is the “Steady Eddie”, slow and methodical, and the energy can help us be more mindful and sensorial. Lean into anything you can experience with the five senses.
  2. We have a Grand Trine between the earth planets: symbolizing stability, support, and a grounded-ness that can feel quite yummy.

Early Saturday morning (and through the weekend) the moon moves into Libra, bringing an increased sense of inclusiveness and partnership. This energy is great for networking, making connections, or spending time with friends and family. You can find a balance between conflicting situations as you’ll have increased objectivity and an impartial attitude that can create fairness and tolerance for all. Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. A Libra moon may encourage you to redecorate or you could be drawn to sensual and beautiful environments. With the Sun and Jupiter holding hands in the sky on Saturday- pleasure seeking, growth, big faith, and optimism are recipes for a sweet couple of days.

And here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign this week:

Wherever you are, find your flow with your horoscope for the week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they may offer additional clues that may be helpful to you.


This week may manifest sudden financial gains or innovative approaches to material security. You may find new ways to stabilize your resources or break free from stagnant money situations. You usually like to go your own way, but this is a week to look toward partnerships and the buddy system for success. The heavens favor working together with others and finding your flow within relationship.


Eureka! Sudden bursts of inspiration or opportunities for personal growth are up and coming. You get an epiphany that may help you shift perspectives in a surprising and unexpected fashion. You can feel an uncharacteristically strong urge to take a risk or to pursue ambitions with renewed vigor. Take a leap, your thought processes are on target. You’re ready to fly!


This week may bring about spiritual awakenings or sudden insights into the interconnectedness of all things. Take some time alone and do hermit mode if it feels good. You might feel a strong urge to explore mystical interests, get intuitive downloads or pursue creative endeavors with a sense of purpose. Inspiration can come from unexpected and more mindful spaces. Be open to a slower and more internal vibe, it can be good for your nervous system.


Focus on friends who feel like family monopolizes your week. There can be sudden breakthroughs in the group mindset, technological advancements, and social cooperatives that you’re a part of this week. You may feel strongly inspired to embrace your individuality within the whole and work towards a friend group initiative. Where can you pitch in, join in, and/or manifest group goals? This is the time to make your mark.


Watch for sudden changes and/or opportunities in career direction or with professional goals this week. A new direction or reputation booster is on its way to you. Take innovative steps to enhance your resume, professional profile or pursue new paths that make you shine like a star in your chosen career. This is a good week for getting new headshots, having business cards made, or making contacts that can further your occupational reach.


It’s a breakthrough kind of week!  And boy do you need it. Routines may seem dull and staler than usual. You may feel like you just need to break free from the cookie-cutter life you’ve set up and seek something new. Sudden opportunities for expansion or exploration come up. Take them. Maybe its time to plan a vacay?


Watch for transformative insights or sudden changes in emotional intensity. Highs and lows can come in, in a polarizing way. You may be confronted by old fears or phobias. Hang tight, as even though things are volatile at the start of the week, by Wednesday you can get control of this feeling. Breakthroughs in psychological healing and a renewed mental vigor can help you focus on your real goals.


Be on the lookout for unexpected shifts in relationships or social dynamics this week. You may experience sudden connections or breakthroughs in partnerships, friendships, or co-worker relationships. This can be a time you make a meaningful connection that will be with you for many years to come. So pay attention and notice who is vibing with you this week.


This week may manifest as sudden changes in health routines or work habits. You may feel compelled to adopt new wellness practices or innovative approaches to productivity. You’ve got work and future goals on the brain. And you have the ability to get a lot done this week, so stay on task and keep your eye on the prize.


This week can signify sudden creative breakthroughs or opportunities for self-expression. You are focused and may feel inspired to pursue your passions with a newfound sense of freedom and authenticity. Intensity and creativity are keywords for your week. You’re putting your heart in your work and creations, and it shows. Be assured that others are watching and can see you.


This week highlights changes within the home or family dynamics. Family and relationship issues can come up. You may feel inspired to break free from emotional patterns or explore new ways of nurturing and support. Ask for what you need and you may be surprised that others are happy to comply.


There could be unexpected breakthroughs in your communication or learning this week. You may experience flashes of insight or sudden shifts in perspective, leading to intellectual growth. Be curious, ask questions, and keep an open mind. There are a variety of ways to look at a problem and this week you are able to see them all.

About the Author: Jennifer Barrish

Hi I'm Jen. I'm an astrologer, yogi, and herbal enthusiast. I can show you how to create a more magical life with your unique gifts using astrology, esoteric strategies and resources. Learn to savor the life journey you're on and enjoy every flavor of energy coming your way! You can find more about me at