The Week Ahead…
March 18-24, 2024
The doorway to Spring opens this week, first on Monday when the North Node and Mercury, the messenger planet, meet up in the sky. News, words, or ideas are coming in at the start of the week that may have a new flavor for you to try. And then we see that door, or portal, to a new season swing wide open on Tuesday evening when the Spring Equinox begins and the sun ingresses into Aries. It’s a brand-new season with new beginnings, fresh starts, firsts, and opportunities for rapid growth. It’s the astrological new year! You might check in with your intentions for 2024 and course correct at the start of Aries season. If something isn’t working, it could be time to change the plan. And with Aries energy at the helm, it’s going to take off like wildfire!
Midweek to support a shift into somewhere we’ve never been before is a meetup between Venus and Saturn. They are holding hands in the sky for most of the week. Their energies working together will help you to see where you need to pull in the reins and get your business in order. And that’s important, because by the end of the week, the pair will sextile (a flowing energy) Jupiter, bringing another wave of expansion, increase, and abundance if you tap on the brakes to get your bearings first.
And on to the horoscopes…
Here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign:
Wherever you are, find your flow with your horoscope for the week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they may offer additional clues that may be helpful to you.
There’s something aflutter at home or with a family member. An unexpected announcement could set things in a new direction. You may not be sure if this is a wise choice but you will like to see the initiative that they take in making a move. The equinox ushers in a childlike zest and verve for life this week! You are in your zone feeling free and ready to change. Creative projects, entertainment, and children could all factor into the equation. There’s a secret little scheme in your mind that is also ready to be born. If you continue to manage risks and worst-case scenario a bit more, it will be ready to bring to light soon.
You get some news or hear something that shifts your perspective at the top of the week. You may feel like saying no but hear it out before shutting it down. It could be better for you in the long run. And there’s a healing or soothing quality that arrives this week through family or people who feel like home. You’re feeling more supported than usual, and this gives you the greenlight to keep building toward your goals. Long term plans can be put into place now. Teamwork makes the dreamwork, and this week you’re witnessing it in action!
Monday’s energy brings some downloads and epiphanies about your worth and standing in the world. You may hear news from a friend or associate that lifts your spirits and validates your feelings. Take these good feelings and go bravely forth into the Equinox! You are more esteemed than you realize, and you will get some healing vibes through conversations with friends. This may put you in a celebratory mood, but as you cruise into week’s end, recognize how overindulgences may need to be reigned in. Careful consideration of your “needs” versus “wants”, in spending, eating, drinking, etc. can help you to set a new pace that feels more self-supportive going forward.
Self-care isn’t selfish. Take some time for a good book, movie or treat yourself this week. Go get that pedicure, a new haircut, or buy a new outfit! These changes can help you to feel more confident, and that will help you to shine out in the world this week. This spring highlights your work and career life, and this week you may find yourself focused and intent on a complicated project. That’s where you can best spend your energy to build your cache in your professional life. There may also be a chance to do some debriefing or networking with your peers. These conversations can be productive, just notice where things can stray into gossip, and in that scenario, do more listening than talking.
It’s a time to let go. You can’t control what others do, and being the best leader is sometimes leaving people to learn their own lessons. What you can control is yourself and your attitude. So, use this week to do something nice for yourself that makes you feel good! A little retail therapy, a spa day, or buying a new pair of shoes you’ve been wanting can be ways to work on and support yourself. Also consider some new creative expression. Writing, artwork, and crafting can be ways of occupying your time and give you some busy work, so you aren’t feeling the need to go fix that problem!
A new development in one of your social circles makes you stop and take note of your role and your own growth and goals. You may need to step back for a moment and reassess if you still want to participate. If there’s one you want to let go of, this is a time for endings and closures. It will be easier over the next couple of months to pull away rather than if you let things linger on. This will create an opening for another circle that you are really feeling called to be in! This weekend the signs will be clear that you are headed in a new direction. Spiritual practices like meditation, intention setting, and yoga can be very supportive and will help you find clarity.
A new work opportunity is presenting itself and you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons. Spring highlights a new healing quality to your friends, connections, and social causes. So, make sure you don’t get so bogged down at work that you don’t have time to participate! But if you’re still able to whistle while you work, then go for it! As things shift into overdrive with the spring season you may need to put boundaries and structures in place, both in relationship and with finances. Wise choices will lead to balance and growth in both areas. Over the weekend you may just want to veg out at home and take a little R & R, which would be a fine way to close out the week.
An opportunity to travel or to take a new learning adventure will reveal itself this week. The choices you make now can have a big impact on your future, so make sure you’re all in before saying yes. Work and projects are going to be heavy on your mind this week, as you’re trying to build roots and supports. Saying no to distractions will be more beneficial for your long game. If you feel fatigued, take some time this weekend to lean into spiritual practices to find your center.
Watch where manipulative behavior and words come in at the start of the week. Try not to overpromise and avoid topics that you’re not quite ready to discuss. You will get the opportunity later. The Spring Equinox brings in fresh new adventures and ways to learn. You are inspired and may find yourself in a teaching role before the season is over. But before you go rule the world, make sure that you don’t overcommit and really monitor your calendar. You are getting hints of new creative urgings that will unfold over the coming weeks. Get back to your roots to see how you can bring this new little seed to life.
Relationships are on the forefront of your mind right now. Deep and intimate connections are possible for you this spring season. There is commitment energy in the air so it’s important for you to understand what you both bring to the table. Both good and bad. If you’re not happy with your own offerings, start to work to build your weaknesses into strengths. To be disciplined is simply to be a disciple to that which you are most passionate about. And it appears you’re ready to get down to work.
Kind acts of service are rewarding for you this week. You can make positive waves for others, and it feels good. Use this to develop some mutually beneficial partnerships this spring season. There is healing in the work. Join a service project or volunteer at the local shelter. You never know who you might meet, and in the process, you might make some connections that improve your own sense of self-worth. You may not usually look at helping others as a means to helping yourself, but it’s true, and you must first be the person you wish to see in the world.
This week begins a deep dive into revamping your diet, health, exercise, and daily routines. Things have been slipping and it’s time to get it back under control. The good news is that it’s a brand-new season and it offers you a do-over. You may find that there are others who share your interests and will want to swim alongside you. For instance, a new gym or running buddy may show up unexpectedly. Partnership warms your heart and two heads focused on refinement and self-improvement can help you to toe the line that much better.