March 11-18, 2024
Two new energies emerge bringing a shift of focus to this week. Mercury, the planet of our thoughts and communication, made its ingress into Aries late on Saturday night. Sunday would have initiated this shift, and you may have noticed your thoughts starting to become clearer, more direct, and feeling the urge to do something new. On Monday night, Venus is also moving, from intellectual Aquarius into her exaltation in Pisces. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure. In Pisces she is most at home, and very powerful. She brings a soft, loving, and kind quality to relationships.
Overall, these two energies offer us a week of relative harmony and relaxation. We can see the vision with Mercury, but Venus encourages us to take our time and enjoy the journey of getting there. It’s not to say that it can’t be an eventful week, but there is an overarching mellow vibe, and if you catch that wave, it can be quite pleasant. So lean into the last full week of Pisces season, committing to simple pleasures, or just to drift, dream, and float.
Here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign:
Wherever you are, find your flow with your horoscope for the week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they may offer additional clues that may be helpful to you.
You’re in the zone at the start of the week and you will be able to easily recalibrate and set your sights on your next target. Consider the financial implications of this plan and the resources you currently have as well as those you’d like to cultivate before making a move. Friendships and partnerships show up at the end of the week. Making time to be social and cultivating intellectual stimulation can be pleasurable and may offer you a new perspective that can support your goals.
Did the alarm go off a little too early on Monday? You may feel pushed a little harder than usual at first this week, but this also motivates you to get up and moving. Once you get going, nothing is going to stop you, so use the momentum to make moments for self-care (i.e. taking care of your physical body) to support the self-image you’d like to project out into the world. Matters of ego may show up, so if you’re challenged, try to not be triggered, and instead use it as motivation for self-improvement.
Surprising arrivals and hurried activity within your social circles factor prominently into the week. There is something to be learned or you’re showing someone the ropes. Student/teacher themes show up and you may start to question which side of the equation you’re on. Maybe both. Lean into growth opportunities and let go of outdated systems and modes of operation that no longer work. You may just fine that you can teach an old dog a new trick or vice versa.
Some speed bumps at work may slow you down at the top of the week. Let your intuition lead you, as someone may need extra TLC, in order for you to get the job done. Going an inch wide and a mile deep is your best way through to prevent over-committing. Mid to late week promises a soothing salve and a chance to unplug. Seek solace and nest in creature comforts. A good book, delicious food, or freshening up your home spaces can revive a weary soul.
A new educational pursuit, dream vacation, or idea you strongly believe in gets fired up this week. Your attention is drawn to seeking the next horizon and there’s a proverbial wind under your sails to learn or lead something new. There might be a “bee in the bonnet” of your work and professional life though so make sure you’ve dotted all your “i’s” and crossed all your “t’s” before checking out. Networking, socializing, and partnerships are strongly encouraged for you over the weekend. You never know who might show up that can help you in the future.
Rabbit holes and deep dives call to you at the start of the week. You may find yourself organizing your organization systems and have to rescue yourself with an intervention. Step away from label maker! Try to let the details go and look to the bigger picture. See things from the eagle’s eye view instead of the lower flying sparrow. Will all this matter in 20 years? Make time for self-care, evaluate routines that are too intensive, and get out in nature. The natural world is your best ally right now.
Partnerships and friendships get the green light this week, just don’t get too lost in romance or pleasure. Slow down and weigh the spaces between heart and head. Investigate what stimulates and amuses you, whether through love or war, or both. Stepping back and seeking wise counsel can help you to reassess what your goals are with this activity and if its fruits are worth your time and energy. Keeping things light can be a solution. Seeing the bigger picture can be helpful too.
It’s time to get up and moving! Have you been hibernating too long? Spring is in the air, and she’s saying it’s time to shed your winter layers and rejuvenate your health and fitness routines. You may initially feel resistance so find a friend to vent and stew with. When you’re done grumbling, dive into the bigger picture- when you challenge yourself physically you have more stamina to do all the things you love. You have complete control over the systems and functions of your body. Now what you do with them is completely up to you…
This week calls for a little fun. A creative project or entertainment may be in store. Try to see the world through the eyes of a child and be inspired to follow your heart. There may be something in your day-to-day that needs a set of eyes on it. Make adjustments to create a daily and weekly flow that feels more authentic to you. Get your work done and then create time to find social engagements and networking opportunities. Ask a friend out to dinner, go to meetup group, or take a new fitness class. In-person connections will be most satisfying.
You may feel some stress on the home front at the start of the week. Everyone is not on the same page, so try to keep communication simple. Find a way to lighten things up by getting out in nature, cooking a good meal, or working on hands-on projects. There may be some overlooked details that could be fleshed out and it will create the harmony you seek. By week’s end you will get a chance to relax and chill. It might help to count up all your resources, creating an inner sense of security.
An intriguing idea or local event comes into your awareness at the start of the week. The kind of thing that will light you up! Hold on to it, as midweek you will find a cranky co-dweller who isn’t beating to your drum. What they need to hear is a plan. Give your idea some structure, form, and function to win them over to your side. Then bring on the fun! Leap into creative pursuits, psychological thrillers, and intellectual mindbenders that fuel your eccentricities. Let your freak flag fly!
Values, finances, and beliefs come into focus for you at the start of the week. Take care with your money, but this week is more internal. An old connection or relic may reappear, and you are remembering how much they meant to you. Make a plan to spend more time in this energy field and reconnect into a younger version of yourself in the process. Be curious and ask questions. Finding a bridge to the past can help you to envision a stronger future.