March 4-10, 2024
Weekly Weather
Monday starts off a little lazy and hazy with a void moon squaring Neptune, but by the afternoon things start to pick up. This is good because there is much work to be done this week and from Monday afternoon through Wednesday, we have a Capricorn moon leading the charge. Things that require focus, discipline and completion have a better chance of getting done during the first half of the week. You might even find yourself “whistling while you work.”
On Thursday the moon shifts into Aquarius giving us an extra dose of analytical ability but we start drifting into the liminal pull of the new moon arriving on Sunday.. This lunation is in the sign of Pisces. Intuition, downloads, and any sixth sense or flash of insight that you get are trying to tell you something. So, pay close attention as the week draws to a close. The new moon is standing close to Neptune, bringing a deep compassion, empathy, and potential heart to heart with someone near and dear. There’s also a surprise in store as the lunation is sextile Uranus and lighting up a revelation, new perspective, or an incoming event that was unexpected.
Over the weekend we also have the first hint of Aries season on its way. Mercury, the planet of our thoughts and communication makes its ingress into Aries late on Saturday night. Notice if your thoughts start to become clearer, more direct, and you feel the need to initiate something new.
And here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign:
Your Horoscope:
Wherever you are, find your flow with your horoscope for the week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they may offer additional clues that may be helpful to you.
Get ready, as you’re due to be in the spotlight this week. And it’s true, people who know your name are noticing the way you move in the world. Friends, associates, and networking take center stage and you can take advantage of any cache you’ve earned with your leadership prowess. Listen not only for what they say, but also for what’s not being said. This is where the magic lies in regard to your name. By the weekend you may feel like retreating to calmer and more private spaces, as you become more contemplative and reflective. Take some time to walk alone and pay attention to any inspirations that are whispered in your ear.
You may have hit the snooze button a few times on Monday AM, but the week is full of hustle and bustle. You’ll find your vibe as you focus your sights on the vision ahead. You will be able to see it through. There may be a little dust kicked up toward the end of the week at work but if you read between the lines and lend a listening ear, it won’t cause too much trouble. The new moon shines on your friendships and allies. Allow yourself some downtime in good company. It will refresh your spirit and you’ll learn something new that tickles your fancy.
The contacts you make on Monday won’t come to much so maybe postpone calls or connections until mid-week. This will allow you some time to pull your thoughts together and prioritize what needs to happen first. By Thursday you will start to get back on track and you may find that your instincts are extra sharp at this time. Things are picking up in your professional life soon so take a risk and jump on any opportunity to build your portfolio or profile. Pay attention to any job or offer that catches your eye. You’ve got a sixth sense right now.
Don’t give up on a new health or work routine you’re trying to implement. Support comes in this week to help you to the finish line, and you may be surprised by the support that shows up around you. Crucial conversations also help you see where you need to tighten up boundaries. But you intuitively know what you need to do. Follow your gut. Inspiration will lead you down an unanticipated path.
Discipline and focus are your friends this week. They will help you stay on top of existing tasks. But also, so you’ll be ready when opportunities present, and they will soon! The new moon is bringing in something new in your work, professional, and public life. It could just be a fantastic idea that pops into your head. Or it could be a job offer. Are you ready? Get your ducks in a row so you’ll be ready and pay attention to the signs that show up.
Make some time to play and create in the coming days. Maybe it’s just color coding your files or labeling your spices. Or maybe its dreaming up a new garden blueprint. Do the things that make you feel happy, and you’ll be productive in the process. A double win! Notice where the hair on your arm stands on end as we enter the new moon. Downloads are coming in from unexpected places.
Family themes are prevalent, and you may have to take control or make a move in a situation to initiate change. Maybe its listening, apologizing, or accepting an apology. Whatever it is you’ll feel better if you just do it. Everyone involved will receive a healing boost and then you can move on. Things get back on track toward the end of the week and this allows you to focus on beating to your own drum.
You may be forced out of you comfort zone in order to deal with a tax or financial matter this week. This in turn leads to extraneous emails, phone calls, or conversations that might feel like unnecessary drudgery. Ultimately, you’ll be glad you just got it done, as you’d rather not have this task hanging over your head and waiting to be done. As the new moon drifts in, you can let yourself float on the Neptunian stream of imagination, mysticism, and fantasy. A good Netflix series or book can be a great escape.
Saving versus spending is a good rule of thumb for this week. Money is on your mind and building a savings account for a dream vacation or a down payment for a new car is the best use of your resources. Let others help you see where you can cut back. Maybe a strategy like planning a shared trip or food prepping together can help you to build cash quicker. The new moon draws you closer to home and focused on your nest, which can also support your bigger goals. Keep things simple.
This week finds you cruising along and in your zone. An opportunity for healing an old wound may show up. Let it. You don’t have to shoulder problems forever. You will get an ah-ha mid-week around money and resource related topics. Maybe it’s a lead on a new job, a side hustle, or you think of something creative you can make and sell on Etsy. The new moon will support any communications you need to have, whether in writing or in person. Don’t be afraid to take a risk.
Visiting with friends has you reflecting on shared dreams, visions, and projects. And your own secret ones. Comparison helps to bolster your confidence and you may reinvigorate a discarded plan, forgotten talent, or skill that you had given up on. The new moon brings in a new resource potential, possibly related to one of these areas. Tap back into your instincts. You’re more equipped than you realize. Dream big dreams.
Peopling can be hard work. At the top of the week, you’re neck deep in interpersonal issues. Take heart, by the end you’ll get a chance to get away and take some time alone. Let yourself beat to an eccentric new drum. Do something you wouldn’t usually do. The new moon is bringing a renewal, reinvigoration, and quite possible a new way of self-expression. Watch for the signs, they will be everywhere for you to decipher.