January 8-14, 2024
Theme of the Week: “In and Out”
This whole month brings the feeling that change is in the air. The change in question is the movement that Pluto makes into the sign of Aquarius. This happens on January 20th and the time leading up to then gets us one step closer to transformations that will occur in our society and collective entities. Humanitarianism, revolutionary and new ideas, futuristic thinking, and eccentric and unconventional ways of being will come into the spotlight.
But this week it’s like taking one step forward and then one step back. We start off the week in a mental fog, a little disconnected or perhaps wearing rose-colored glasses that can keep us confused or aiming in the wrong direction. Just when you think you don’t know what to do with a situation, midweek, inspiration will strike, and the breakthrough that you need to help you see what to do next will happen. Don’t give up on your plan!
On Thursday it’s a new moon, in the sign of Capricorn, bringing you back to an internal and quiet space. It’s time to find structure, make goals, and to balance your responsibilities. It’s time to put your thinking cap on and decide what you really want right now. And then start taking steps to make it happen!
On Friday, one of the best days of the whole month, there’s a flowing energy around growth, opportunity, and forward motion. You will be able to make inroads into any project you are working on. Partnerships will thrive. The pace starts to pick up and things get busy. It’s full steam ahead.
On Saturday, Mercury moves into Capricorn, bringing a more serious side to our thoughts and communications. Mercury in Cap makes us mentally tough and gives us the focus and strategy needed to get down to business! This will be quite a shift from the Mercury in Sagittarius we’ve had for several weeks now. Notice the shift and how it affects you!
And…here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign:
Find your flow with your individual horoscope this week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they may offer additional clues that may be helpful too.
Ideas are flowing and you’ve got a lot of energy to start the week. The problem is knowing which direction to go in. There are many options. Stay still for a minute so you can get your bearings. The new moon is happening in the public-facing, career-oriented, and ambitious area of your chart. You don’t want to make a false move that could get you in trouble. Pay attention to your relationships with authority. Driving too fast can land you a speeding ticket. Apply that wisdom in your work and professional life. You may feel like bucking the system, but it would be wiser to use strategy right now.
Maybe you’ve been hooked into some passionate undercurrents, hidden agendas, or have been hiding something recently. The truth is about to come to light, so it’s time to get clean and wash your hands of any activity you wouldn’t be proud to put on your socials right now. The new moon wants you to learn and seek a higher path. You weren’t meant to build in the dark. This year you will come closer to a spiritual or somatic path that connects you with a higher level of consciousness.
You’ve had a certain relationship on your mind that has been buzzing around in your mind and driving you a little mad. It’s sink or swim time. If it’s going nowhere, it’s time to let it go. If it’s here to stay it must evolve. Think of this new moon as setting you up to transform into a beautiful butterfly. Things might feel hard right now but when you give in to the changes that are heading your way, you will come closer to a truer, deeper and more authentic version of yourself that will sustain you whether they stay or go.
All work and no play can make you sad and despondent. Have you been avoiding a conversation in the name of harmony and peace? The new moon says it’s time to dig into this one. You must have the tough conversations. And you will also have to take responsibility for the agreements or deals that you’ve made and haven’t followed through on. You normally hide your vulnerability but that won’t help you here. Being real and honest with the person in question (even if its yourself you’ve been trying to fool) is where the real treasure hides. Be brave and have the heart to hearts. The deeper you go, the more you will like what you see in the mirror.
Your creative juices are flowing so seek pastimes that bring you pleasure at the start of the week. You turn the fog into a mystical space of intuition where your self-expression can shine. Then the new moon comes in on Thursday to bring you back down to earth. Analyze your routines, rituals, and the details of everyday life to see where you can spice things up. Use the insight you had at the beginning of the week to make every day a bolder and more vibrant expression of you.
Domestic life and your origin story may be a recent topic under your mental microscope. Stories of your mother, parental figures, or early childhood can come up this week in your subconscious. Honor your ancestors but when the new moon comes in, take some time to focus on you. What is your role in this family? Are your needs being met? Who cares for you best. Taking steps to pursue interests, hobbies, and pastimes that fill up your loving cup is the challenge at hand. The universe wants you to get a little selfish right now. Shine your light and find your inspiration!
Have you been thinking to redo your space? You love to learn so it could be a good time to connect with designers, take a trip to the home improvement store and follow those on social media whose style you love. Be curious and open to different ideas and opinions. This is where you are going to find your flow. In order to bring in something new, you will also have to let go of something old. It’s time to clear out things that no longer bring your joy. Making a space, home, or office that feels supportive and nurturing will benefit you best. So let yourself drift until inspiration comes, and it will.
Your money, self-worth, or possessions you actually own are topics that will be swimming around in your brain this week. At first you may feel like things are out of control. But have patience, you will get a handle on it soon and all will be well. The real challenge of the week lies in communication. You’ve been inward focused and now you must think about other people. But not yet. The new moon is asking you to focus on the ways that you express yourself, whether it be speaking at work, conversation, text, or writing. Finding ways to take your deep thoughts and converting them to say what you really want to say can be hard. Maybe journal or write it down first. This is a theme that will come up again this year. So, take your time and mull over how your words sound and if people understand your true intent when you speak.
Your chi is high and you’re ready to aim and fire. But first, take a minute to look in the mirror. Before you’re off on your next adventure, it’s a good time with this new moon to take stock of yourself. Do you like what you see? What would you like to change? This can be a new hairstyle, new clothes, but also maybe a new outlook on life. What image do you project out into the world? Do you like it? If not, change things up to suit you. The new moon wants you to get comfortable in your skin and do things that bring you comfort this year. Lean into sensorial experiences. Keep it simple. You’re most precious possession is your own self-worth so take steps to polish and preserve it.
Maybe you’ve been feeling a little low lately or staying behind the scenes and enjoying your privacy. That’s a good way to start the week. You will come into your own and be feeling more leader-like by mid-week. The new moon will be asking you to take action and initiate something new. Just for you. And it will be something that fulfills you and makes you feel good. You’ve worked hard and you’re reaping the rewards. Enjoy self-care, leisure, treatments that enhance your physical appearance and all the ways that enhance your self-esteem. Maybe you just need a cup of tea and good book. Do what thrills your inner mountain goat right now.
You love learning something new especially when it involves networking and promoting equality. The week starts with lots of ideas about it but not a lot of action. You must rest before things speed up. Lean into private and restful practices right now. The new moon is enhancing your intuition, giving you creative downloads, and asking you to escape for a bit. Be a hermit and dive into reclusive retreats. You can still be making a list of to-dos for later. Things will go fast soon enough but take a pause for a moment and enjoy the silence.
Boundaries are not your strongest skill set but they are being brought into your awareness this week. Where do you need to create them and/or hold them? You don’t want to overcommit or overdo it right now. The new moon brings you an extra spidey-sense of intuition that helps you just when you need it. Lean into your connections, friend groups, clubs, and social networks just to see what’s going on. Just wait to make decisions about any commitments until the weekend. When Mercury shifts into Capricorn it will help you focus and make the right decision for you.