January 1-7, 2024
Weekly Summary
“Get Back to Work”
The week starts off slow, and you may feel like you’re slogging through to get your routines and schedule back in place after the holidays. The good news is that Mercury goes direct on January 1st, ending its retrograde period. You will be able to see more clearly what needs to happen next and how to reorganize things to work best for you.
At the first of the week, we have a little reality check, where commitment and follow through issues come up. What have you been saying you would do, that you haven’t done yet? It’s time to get to work and get serious about timelines and completions.
Luckily Mars moves into Capricorn on Thursday, where it is exalted, and the energies work well together! Mars in Capricorn finishes what it has started, and you will start to see forward motion on projects, plans, and proposals. Notice feelings of confidence, practical thinking, and wisdom from past experience coming to your rescue!
And here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign:
Find your flow with your individual horoscope this week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they may offer additional clues that may be helpful too.
Relationship issues may crop up this week. Look for the clues and signs where those closest in your circle may be struggling. Someone is changing their tune in this dynamic and either you or they are not happy. Take a sober look at the commitments that have been made and seek to find some common ground or equal footing. A “forgive and forget” mentality will serve you well.
This is a week to pull up your bootstraps and get back in the saddle. You’ve taken some time off which was well deserved, but now it’s time to get your thinking cap back on. Maybe some indulgence went a little too far? Routines and habits come up for review at the first of the week and you can use the energy to recommit to areas you need to shore up, (i.e. diet, exercise, abstinence, etc.). By week’s end you’ll have control over things and moving forward in a measured way.
Have you been thinking to clean out the cupboards and closets? This is a great week to act! You’ll have excellent momentum to organize, clean and rearrange all the things in your home space. Let it go like the snow! Mid-week brings a fun redecorating vibe, but you may be a bit indecisive about where to start first. You will find your flow and make a plan for feathering your nest soon. Brainstorming and making a list of all your “wants” and “to-dos” can help you to see the way. Also making a vision board for the new year can help remind you of your goals when you get side-tracked.
Maybe other’s words or careless comments have been a trigger for you lately. This is a good week to lay low and focus on projects at home, school, or in the office. Taking some time to recharge your batteries will give you momentum to get back out there and confront any outstanding disagreements or arguments. This hurt or little wound will come into the spotlight later in the week. To to stay busy right now, so you’ll be better equipped for the confrontation and to let it go later.
This week has you drawing inward and considering your real resources, abilities, and talents. You know you’re capable, but you’ve spent a lot of the holiday hanging out and having fun. If you want to live up to all the hype, now is the time to buckle down and do the things. Dig into the details, make the schedule, and plan the curriculum. It’s time to get serious and finish what you started. A responsible and measured approach will help you to shine at the right time.
Get that clipboard out and make your punch lists for 2024. You can see all the areas you’ve neglected to take care of in yourself, your possessions, and your home this week. Your instinct and keen eye are working together so use the energy to improve and refine where needed. Walls need painted, trim needs replaced, and so many areas need to be cleaned thoroughly. Try not to get overwhelmed by the multitude that your eye can see right now. You are on point in your discernment, so have confidence yet patience. Tackle one thing at a time and you’ll methodically make your way down the list.
Have you been in hermit-mode lately or things just feeling a little off? The good news is that your mojo comes back mid-week…but the universe is asking you to make some changes. It’s time to face the truth and get realistic about what you need to thrive and/or move forward. This week is about bringing things back into balance. Weigh your options, double-check your resources, and call a trusted friend if you need to; just to have a sounding board. You have a keen eye for details and can redesign a new year’s resolution that will give you a peaceful and easy feeling into the future.
As you get your ducks in a row this week, cutting excess expenses (like that gym membership you never use) may be foremost in your mind. Absolutely weed out things you don’t need, but don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater. Maybe it’s time to recommit yourself to those goals you once had. Reminisce, reflect, and remember the version of you that you felt most comfortable sharing with the world. Maybe you can redirect your resources to join a new studio, pickleball club, or aquatics class to align your money to your goals. And not just for fitness- do this for the ways you do self-care, your wardrobe, habits, and personal interests. Pruning now will make your bank account and your self-image grow.
Mercury is out of retrograde and its full steam ahead for you. You are focused on your career and solidifying your place in your professional world. Take practical steps and focus your energy on specific tasks that will help you to move forward. It may be time to network, to reach out to a mentor, or someone in your work community who has amassed timeless wisdom and experience. This person can help to show you the way and the work you will need to do to move to the next level.
Maybe you’ve been feeling trapped in this current situation but it’s time to break free. This week you will learn something new that will help you find your flow. Clear out the mental cobwebs and focus on the future. Picture the end game and where you want to be in 12 months. Mars is moving into your home sign midweek and then the energy really picks up. This whole month is about you getting into the driver’s seat of your life. Buckle up baby, you’re about to fly!
What are your passionate about? That’s the question for you this week and then it’s time to get serious about it. Being disciplined is simply being a “disciple” to that thing you love. When you do what you love, it’s a calling, not a job. Shift your perspective to shift your life. Big change is on the horizon for you, so go deep into your heart and reflect on what you really want going forward. It’s a new year and a great time to set a resolution that you can keep!
Have you been trying to please too many recently? Maybe it’s time to focus your energy? You’re being asked to check in with the one you love and decide where this is going. Do you know? You get a reality check this week that is urging you to address love and commitment issues. If you are unattached, maybe this is about your passion-projects. How do you spend your money? How do you spend your time? Shore things up and have a heart-to-heart with yourself about what your main goals are for the new year. Also, how can you keep from getting caught up in the riptide of generosity that sets you adrift from time to time?