Weekly Summary
November 6-12, 2023
This is a week of changing energy, as we have both Venus and Mercury changing signs. The shifts will be palpable! The week starts off like Tina Turner’s song “Rolling on the River”. Monday and Tuesday are upbeat and energetic, but you’re also getting things checked off your list. A little “whistle while you work” energy…you have a plan and you’re making things happen!
On Wednesday Venus moves out of Virgo and slips into her comfy slippers of Libra. In Libra she’s at home and feeling good in her skin and you will too! A new confidence and a new opportunity appear. On Thursday, Mercury changes signs. He was in the murky depths of Scorpio, and his move to fire sign Sagittarius lightens things up tremendously! Feelings of optimism, freedom, and inspiration are on the rise. It may make it harder to focus but you have a carefree attitude that makes it worth it.
As soon as Mercury goes into Sagittarius, he squares Saturn. A reality check is incoming! Something comes in to say that you need to get your ducks in a row at the end of the week. And this is important because the weekend is volatile. Intensity, unexpected twists and turns, and a restlessness to act will be the mood. Impulsivity is at a high! This can cause stress so be sure to look for ways to diffuse the energy through self-care, separation, and self-reflection. If you react to every drama, you may feel like you have whiplash. Seeking balance and harmony is key at the end of this week.
Here’s what’s happening for your sign:
Wherever you are, find your flow with your horoscope this week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they may offer additional clues that may be helpful to you.
You start of the week with work on your mind. Thoughts about how you can make a difference, how you can get it all done, or a new approach to an old problem may come up. Mid-week has you looking for some creature comforts, possibly romance, and you’re feeling like things are moving along like they should. The weekend highlights your underworld. Your internal thoughts and feelings come up for review and you will need to work hard to not act on impulse. You are fed up and ready to act on your desires. Take a moment and look before you leap!
A playful vibe is on the menu for the beginning of your week. You’re feeling good and connected into all the right places. Your creativity shows up and you’re able to move forward with a new project. All the steps are falling into place and things may even seem easy. Relationship issues come up at the end of the week to dampen things and someone in your sphere is falling apart. Or there could be some opposition between your friends and family. The drama seems to come out of left field so get your pitcher’s mitt and be prepared to catch the ball! Your stability can help to slow things down and stabilize the storm.
Family is on your mind, and it’s good to hang out at home this week. Relationships are changing and you’re feeling optimistic about some new approaches that seem to be working in your favor. You’re optimistic about the future and have a new strategy to move forward! Let yourself be playful this week and seek mentally stimulating hobbies that entertain you and stave off boredom. The weekend brings some tension into your outer world. Someone may be talking smack about you or trying to smear your reputation. Even though it hurts, stay calm and think strategically about proceeding instead of getting embroiled in a contest. You are learning something new about self-regulation.
The week starts off busy! You’re running errands, connecting with friends, and acting on your curiosities to learn something new. Been on your Pinterest board a bit too much lately? That’s ok! Picking up new crafts and hobbies are the ways that you prepare for your long winter’s nest so find new ways to entertain yourself and seek out the creative ideas that you find pleasure in. Mid-week may find things a bit jumbled up at home, so you might need some strategies to keep the kids or fur babies entertained. Load up on all the ideas you’ve had for fun so that you can be the leader this weekend and show those you love how to play the game.
The beginning of the week has you considering what you value and simplifying your immediate surroundings. Have you been a little too bougie lately? You are evolving and learning that material things don’t always bring happiness. Cleaning out the closets and donating your old stuff may feel really good instead. Domesticity and family roots are on your mind as the weekend approaches. Connecting with distant relations or finding out your origin story through ancestry work could help you to see yourself in a deeper way. You love surprises and this weekend won’t disappoint. Try not to get wrapped up in something that steals your joy.
You are feeling a sense of accomplishment or financial gain as projects are coming to completion. Over the past few months, you’ve been working on yourself and you’re now seeing the fruits of your efforts. You’ve got a new pep in your step and you’re ready to dream a new dream! In a methodical and strategic way of course. Maybe you’re thinking about taking a new class or webinar. Or you’re ready to teach something that you know. Information is coming in that stimulates your mind and elevates your consciousness. You are learning to fine tune your intuition and instinct by thinking about the bigger picture.
You may have felt a little secretive lately, but only because you’ve been feeling restrained or trapped in dull routine or a repeating thought process. You are ready to shed that skin by mid-week and things are feeling increasingly more positive and optimistic. You are in love with the world! Get focused on what you are passionate about, as this object of your desire comes in the form of a plot twist over the weekend. You won’t expect it, but it will knock your socks off! New transformative processes are incoming, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Have you been questioning the circles in which you swim lately? This week you are going underground, as you are preparing to slough off the dead skin and rejuvenate. Just like the leaves must fall off the trees to prepare for winter, you too are in a preparation cycle. Things may go dark and quiet as you are considering your emotional needs and individuality in relation to your status in the world. The end of the week sees you in a tailspin so try to go with the flow. You will come out renewed, focused, and with a new passion for life at the end, but take heart and take care as you need this time to reconnect with yourself.
Maybe you’ve been feeling trapped with work, responsibilities, and following up on all your commitments. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel though, as midweek a new development in your outer world will ignite your fire. It’s a crazy plan, can you even do it? It may not seem practical but this weekend you will find a way to bring tangible steps to an intangible idea. You can see both the forest and the trees here and you’re ready to get focused and do the inner work for the outer rewards.
You’ve been thinking about the bigger picture lately and you’re ready to let go of the past and evolve. You’re no stranger to career, work and climbing the ladder and that’s where you’ll find success this week. End of the week has some delays or hard stops that you weren’t expecting. Prepare yourself for the bumps. Also, there’s a fun surprise or happy little accident coming your way. Laugh it off and others will too. You are feeling interconnected with your people and more in tune with your individuality. Don’t be afraid of the spotlight. You’ve earned it.
You’ve been coming up against some growth edges in relationships recently. The clouds are ready to clear and by mid-week you’ll be seeing the sun with more harmonious ties that bind. You’re seeing where you can let go of some rigid ways of thinking and be more spontaneous too. Growing is a give and take process, and so if you want who or what you are passionate about, you have to find the balance between the two. Leaning into your intuition will help you navigate any rough waters that come in over the weekend. There’s a brand-new dawn on the horizon and you’ll be ready to soar soon.
The first of the week finds you busy as a bee. You’re productive, serious-minded, and getting the work done. That’s on the outside. On the inside you may be a little self-conscious and insecure. Hang in there because a boost of optimism is coming in for you middle to late week. Someone or something new is showing up that brings your water to a bubble. You’re able to dream a new dream. And this is big for you! Your passion for life will be on the rise again and you’ll find the intimate connection that you’ve been seeking.