Weekly Summary
The week starts off deep and slow. We’re in the depths of a dilemma or coming up against some edges where growth, maturity, and patience will be required to navigate the muck. People are tired and/or cranky and you may experience some delays. Tuesday brings an intuitive bubble, so keep a low profile and stay private to keep it from getting burst.
Midweek, the mood lightens and there will be some opportunities to laugh and have a little fun. You will see the bigger picture and start to get a sense of what’s really going on. Romance is in the air as we head into the weekend, so make your plans/dinner reservations accordingly. Expectations will be high. But so will luck. Expect a little gift or win to show up.
The end of the week has a sobering tone. Reality checks are coming in. Things are revealed that bring clarity. When people throw verbal daggers, believe them, as they meant what they said. This time will allow you to course correct and make some serious decisions for the long term.
Here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign:
Find your flow with your horoscope for the week. You can use your Ascendant or Sun Sign to start, but check in with your Mars, Venus, or Moon sign – as they may offer additional clues that may be helpful to you.
You don’t like to go slow, but the universe has you shifted into neutral, contemplating the objects of your obsessions and passions. What are your resources here? How can you flip the script to get what you want? You will feel pretty optimistic about the whole thing when you get some new details mid-week. You will however be concerned about your reputation and what others think, so if this is a romance, make sure your father figures approve. Follow your intuition and try to go with the flow, this is the best way for you to win.
Relationships are presenting some shadows this week, as you see a side that you didn’t expect – either in yourself or in them, or both. Do some self-care to negate any lingering insecurity and know that this too shall pass. Mid-week your focus will shift into the details of a new project, and you’ll be striving to make it a success. Make sure you take time out from ambition and make room for some sensory integration. The gently falling leaves and PSLs will be calling your name by the weekend. Grab a sweetie and get out to the pumpkin patch for some fall flavors. Sunday brings back responsibilities and mental focus and you will be able to tackle your tasks with fervor.
You’ve got work and details on your mind as you enter the week. Think spreadsheets and flow charts. How can you refine routines and processes to make them more efficient and to work better for you? Why work harder when you can work smarter? It’s game time for you. Just watch out for analysis paralysis. It won’t be hard to take a break by Wednesday when you get a chance to let your hair down. Go for a drive, spend time with family, or create a side hustle. Toward the end of the week your relationships will be occupying your busy mind. Get out to the movies with your sweetie, just so you can snuggle up during the scary scenes.
What feels like fun to you right now? Do just that, as the universe is supporting you in all recreational activities right now. Maybe you just want to rest? That works too. The first of the week is a little slow, so take your time and seek creature comforts. Mid-week has you shifting your focus into health and wellness- maybe your sweet tooth has been a little overactive? Make a new plan and share it with you people. They will support you! Try not to overthink things as the week ends. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your new routine won’t be either, so be sure to pace yourself.
Family dynamics are on your mind. What’s your role in the group? Are you the leader, clown, or everyone’s cheerleader? You don’t have to take everyone’s troubles onto yourself. You can only control your own actions, but you can model the behavior you want to see. And you get the chance by Wednesday, as the odds are in your favor, and you will have some luck. Go out to dinner, get a little dressy, or buy some new shoes. Throw on your crown and remind them who they’re dealing with, the queen of the jungle of course! By the end of the week, it will be time mentally to go back to work, as details, finance, and office politics all come into play.
You’re feeling like you’re right this week. And you are. Go ahead and tell them about it. You may think no one is listening, but they are. All the ways you’ve tried to explain, cajole, and preach about refining, getting better, and improving are finally seeping through their pores. It’s not just you on your soapbox, the scales are actually tipping in your favor. Don’t get too big headed about it though, just have fun being heard. The small wins you are making now will support you (and others) well into the future.
Money is on your mind, or at least on your resources and how to secure them. You may feel quiet and reflective about it to start the week. But eventually these things you are weighing back and forth will come out by Wednesday and you will be ready to talk to others about how to set the ship aright. Savings, planning for the holidays, and consolidating resources become pleasant conversations that feel like a win. Have fun with it and by the end of the week you will get the chance to take your hands off the wheel a little. Grab yourself a costume for that Halloween party coming up, you will enjoy reliving childhood experiences with those near and dear to you.
You’re feeling yourself right now. Your depth and intensity are easily welcomed right now because you can see and feel things that others can’t. That makes you a great tour guide of the underworld. It’s old hat for you to dig into topics that aren’t discussed in polite society. This week you will help pull hidden things into the light. Just by listening you will make space for others to do so too. Secrets are revealed but so are hidden gifts. It’s your job to sift through the muck to find the treasure. And you get to reap the rewards!
This is a week of psychological processing. Old issues come up around intimacy, exchanges, and sharing. You’ve been a bit clogged in this area, but things are coming to a head. The good news is that you will find new solutions for old story lines soon. A new sense of self is on the horizon. The clouds will clear by mid-week, and you’ll be back to your old equestrian ways, seeking the next fence to hurdle. By Sunday you’ll be making decisions and doing some serious planning toward how you can share what you’ve learned among friends.
You don’t always like it, but you can be quite the socialite. That will serve you well this week as reveals, breakups, and exits happen from your social circles. External events may throw you into moody self-reflection about your own relationships and how you utilize them best. No worries, the waters will calm mid-week and you’ll clearly see to the bottom. This reality check will help your instincts to kick in and you’ll be course correcting in a way that feels authentic and fortifying to your spirit.
Something ugly is brewing at work and you saw it coming first. Position yourself so that your reputation is untouchable. This event kicks off a deep reflection of what you need to reform in your own world. Are you thinking about a new career path? Or a way to do this one differently? By the end of the week, you’ll see a silver lining you didn’t expect, and this will propel you to do some serious soul searching and planning for the future.
You have a bird’s eye view of the world this week and things are being revealed that you didn’t know before. This insight comes in the form of a lesson or a teacher, showing you a new path or talent. Be patient with the process as there are some mountains to climb first. Boundaries to protect your time, space, and energy will be important as you move forward. Things become clearer and a gift appears by the end of the week, allowing you to finish stronger than you’d imagined and with a vision for the days ahead.